The policy assessment of six Japanese major banks had been carried out in December 2023. This assessment highlights that all six banks disclosed their financed emissions in the power secor, as well as interim targets for 2030 as part of their overall goals to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. In addition, five banks, except Resona, clearly require thier financed projects to comply with “no deforestation, no peat and no exploitation (NDPE)”. Five banks except Resona specify in their policies that they do not finance new coal mine projects, and they also have set target years to phase out from investments in coal-fired power projects. In terms of scores, Mizuho scored the highest with 39/100, followed by Norinchukin Bank which scored 35. MUFG is in the third position scoring 34.
To read the full report, click here.